A German Child Just Brought A WWII Bomb To Her Nursery

A German Child Just Brought A WWII Bomb To Her Nursery | World War Wings Videos

Sad But True.

World War II might have been over for more than 70 years, but its scars are still felt by people far and wide around the world. A case from July 5th, 2017 just proves this.

There are dozens upon dozens of unexploded bombs found each year around the world that date back to World War II. From Asia to Europe and beyond, so many millions of tons of bombs were dropped that it’s impossible to account for any unexploded ones.

“A child had found the stick-type incendiary bomb during a walk in the woods and brought it along to the kindergarten.’-Darmstadt Police Spokeswoman, Andrea Loeb

The child in question went out to play during her designated time and ventured into the nearby woods. Finding what she called a “strange object,” she brought it back to her school and put it on a shelf with all the other toys.

Southern Hesse Police | DPA

One of the teachers noticed this object and immediately called the police, taking all the children out of the school in the meanwhile. After arrival, the bomb disposal unit took the incendiary bomb out of the school allowing the students and teachers to return and dealt with it off site.

Drdoht /Wikimedia Commons

Incendiary devices such as this bombs such as the one above were used extensively during World War II. As their name suggests, they are meant to start fires when landing or exploding overhead, causing major damage to both equipment and personnel.

To see what one of these can do, we found and included World War II footage of an Allied plane dropping one such bomb. The results are right there in the video.

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