News | Boeing Flight Loses Cowling Over Pacific-Aviation Fan Onboard Tweets Hilarity

News | Boeing Flight Loses Cowling Over Pacific-Aviation Fan Onboard Tweets Hilarity | World War Wings Videos

Erik Haddad / Twitter

If It Ain’t Boeing, I’m….

On February 13th, 2018, passengers traveling from San Francisco to Hawaii on a United Airlines flight using a Boeing 777 were rudely awoken when the aircraft made a loud noise followed by a shaking fuselage. Looking out the starboard window, some travelers were quite surprised seeing the cowling completely torn off the aircraft.

As you can imagine, many people were shaken up by the situation but one passenger, Erik Haddad, seemed to know a bit more about aircraft and wasn’t particularly worried. We made that conclusion by reading his tweets which were quite lighthearted despite the situation.

Here are some of the highlights:

PLANE and simple….

We managed to find the communication between the pilot and the ATC in a YouTube video below, complete with the flight path of the aircraft. If you listen to it, note the professionalism and calmness in both the pilot’s and ATC operator’s voice. Well done by all if you ask us.

Boeing and the FAA are looking into the cause of the emergency.

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