Here is what an A-26 Invader sounds like!

Here is what an A-26 Invader sounds like! | World War Wings Videos

YouTube / Fight to Fly Photography

Stunning Sound!

The Douglas A-26 Invader is an American twin-engine light bomber and ground attack plane that saw service during World War II and several Cold War conflicts as well.

It featured a range of guns, making it a formidable ground attack plane. 

YouTube / Fight to Fly Photography

In this video, we get to experience what an A-26 actually sounds like.

I have to say, nothing can beat the richness of the sounds coming from those twin radials!

YouTube / Fight to Fly Photography

The 5:02 mark has got to be one of the most absolutely thrilling moments in the video.

YouTube / Fight to Fly Photography

We’re absolutely in love with the aircraft, plus the sound of her engines at full throttle is insane. 


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