They Remade “Top Gun: Maverick” On a $20 Budget

They Remade “Top Gun: Maverick” On a $20 Budget | World War Wings Videos

Youtube / Cracked

A Movie For The Ages

Finally, we have the movie of the year. With just a budget of $20, these guys are about to make serious box office money. I’m willing to bet that the $20 budget was just for the can of beers they ordered to make this trailer. Either that or they spent it to hire Tom Cruise’s long-lost brother.

Chandler Perry, the director of this trailer, did a great job with this video. The endless cuts to different gags leave the audience chuckling away at its absurdity. After all, who wouldn’t want an alcoholic with no understanding of gun safety as their team captain? 

This crew is either going to be the greatest squadron of all time, or they won’t even make it past takeoff – there is no in-between.

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