20 P-51 Mustangs Take-Off! Humming Merlins Fill The Air

20 P-51 Mustangs Take-Off! Humming Merlins Fill The Air | World War Wings Videos

YouTube / Steve Kauzlarich

Big 51

What was the biggest Mustang formation you’ve ever seen? Seeing three P-51s is already rare, but on September 2007, those at Rickenbacker Airport saw a total of 20 Mustangs fly in formation.

The hum of the Merlins filled the air during “The Gathering of Mustangs and Aces”. Over eighty P-51 Mustangs attended the show, accompanied by hundreds of WWII aviation legends that included Fighter Aces, the Tuskegee Airmen, and WASPs.

In the video, we get to see 20 Mustangs take off to form a huge “51” above Rickenbacker Airport. Yes, it was as amazing as you thought it would:

What a day that was for the spectators. They surely got their money’s worth with that air show! Have you seen anything like this before? Tell us in the comments below!

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